How Much Do You Really Know About The Presidents And The Things That Get Them Into Trouble?

Question 1/12
One of the most famous presidential scandals ever involved Bill Clinton, who was charged with lying about his affair with a White House intern. Who was she?
Monica Leiberman
Monica Lewinsky
Charlotte Klein
Question 2/12
Which Founding Father has been rumored for years (since his presidency) to have had a long-term affair with one of slaves, and perhaps to have fathered children with her?
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
John Adams
Question 3/12
John Kennedy is rumored to have had an affair with what Hollywood sex symbol?
Jayne Mansfield
Marilyn Monroe
Raquel Welch
Question 4/12
Which was the first president to be impeached?
Andrew Jackson
Richard Nixon
Andrew Johnson
Question 5/12
Which president became involved in the "Petticoat Scandal" involving Peggy O'Neal Eaton?
Andrew Jackson
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Question 6/12
Which scandal-plagued president became involved in a bribery scandal known as the "whiskey ring"?
Grover Cleveland
William H. Taft
Ulysses Grant
Question 7/12
Which president was involved in selling arms to Iran, in order to fund the revolutionary Contras in Nicaragua?
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Jimmy Carter
Question 8/12
Richard Nixon became the first president to resign because of which of the following scandals?
Iran-Contra Affair
Pentagon Papers
Question 9/12
Which president openly admitted to having fathered an illegitimate child?
Warren Harding
Grover Cleveland
Rutherford B. Hayes
Question 10/12
Which president is rumored to have been a closeted homosexual, having lived with a man for ten years?
James Buchanan
James Garfield
James Monroe
Question 11/12
Franklin Roosevelt had an affair of many years with which of the following?
Amelia Boydston
Rachel Kendrick
Lucy Mercer
Question 12/12
Which president was involved in the notorious Teapot Dome Scandal?
Grover Cleveland
Theodore Roosevelt
Warren Harding
You Must Lead A Completely Virtuous Life; You Have So Little Knowledge Of Political Scandals! We Applaud Your Nobility Of Character!
C+, Absolutely Scandalous Results!
Frankly, You Seem To Know A Bit Too Much About Presidential Scandals! Aren't You Just A Little Devil!
B+, You're A Bit Of A Devil!
You're a shameless, greedy, immoral little devil! How do you live with yourself? You'd be right at home in the White House!
A+, You Scandalous Devil, You!

One of the most famous presidential scandals ever involved Bill Clinton, who was charged with lying about his affair with a White House intern. Who was she?
Monica Leiberman
Monica Lewinsky
Charlotte Klein

Which Founding Father has been rumored for years (since his presidency) to have had a long-term affair with one of slaves, and perhaps to have fathered children with her?
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
John Adams

John Kennedy is rumored to have had an affair with what Hollywood sex symbol?
Jayne Mansfield
Marilyn Monroe
Raquel Welch

Which was the first president to be impeached?
Andrew Jackson
Richard Nixon
Andrew Johnson

Which president became involved in the "Petticoat Scandal" involving Peggy O'Neal Eaton?
Andrew Jackson
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams

Which scandal-plagued president became involved in a bribery scandal known as the "whiskey ring"?
Grover Cleveland
William H. Taft
Ulysses Grant

Which president was involved in selling arms to Iran, in order to fund the revolutionary Contras in Nicaragua?
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Jimmy Carter

Richard Nixon became the first president to resign because of which of the following scandals?
Iran-Contra Affair
Pentagon Papers

Which president openly admitted to having fathered an illegitimate child?
Warren Harding
Grover Cleveland
Rutherford B. Hayes

Which president is rumored to have been a closeted homosexual, having lived with a man for ten years?
James Buchanan
James Garfield
James Monroe

Franklin Roosevelt had an affair of many years with which of the following?
Amelia Boydston
Rachel Kendrick
Lucy Mercer

Which president was involved in the notorious Teapot Dome Scandal?
Grover Cleveland
Theodore Roosevelt
Warren Harding