The 2016 race for the American presidency is heating up. It's time to see if you know what's what in this election so far. Put on your thinking cap and see if you can correctly answer these 12 politically charged questions!

Question 1/12
Which candidate began their career as a Republican?
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
None of them
Question 2/12
Who is currently the oldest candidate?
Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Question 3/12
Which candidate inspired a character on the HBO drama series “The Wire?"
Donald Trump
Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
Martin O' Malley
Question 4/12
Which presidential candidate has the largest following on Twitter?
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Question 5/12
Who of the following is not seeking the Republican nomination for President?
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
Robby Wells
Question 6/12
Which candidate married his/her spouse in the living room of their first home, with a reception that followed in the backyard?
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Question 7/12
Which GOP contender wants to Carpet Bomb ISIS but finds himself dealing with his own "native" controversy?
Jeb Bush
Donald Trump
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Question 8/12
Which republican candidate once referred to himself as "very liberal?"
Donald Trump
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Ben Carson
Question 9/12
Which candidate starred in his/her own video game as a part of his campaign?
Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Question 10/12
Which candidate said, "Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion?"
Bernie Sanders
Jeb Bush
Hillary Clinton
Question 11/12
Which candidate said, “I will take nothing and no one for granted. I will run with heart. I will run to win?"
Bernie Sanders
Jeb Bush
Donald Trump
Question 12/12
Which candidate said, “The power of the American people as we stand up and fight for liberty knows no bounds?"
Ted Cruz
Ben Carson
Marco Rubio
You are 2016 election ready! You may not know every detail on the lives and careers of every presidential candidate, you proved that you possess a strong foundational knowledge on what each of these candidates stand for.
C+, Election Ready
You are a true political savant! You've clearly been following this election and as it heats up, we're sure you'll only get more and more involved. You're all ready to cast your ballot in this election. Your knowledge on these candidates if far from average.
B+, Political Savant
You are a true political ace! When it comes to the 2016 presidential candidates, you know your stuff. You have no problem crossing party lines to learn important aspects of who could very well be the future American president. We think that's admirable!
A+, Political Ace

Which candidate began their career as a Republican?
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Martin O' Malley
None of them

Who is currently the oldest candidate?
Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton

Which candidate inspired a character on the HBO drama series “The Wire?"
Donald Trump
Chris Christie
Hillary Clinton
Martin O' Malley

Which presidential candidate has the largest following on Twitter?
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush

Who of the following is not seeking the Republican nomination for President?
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
Robby Wells

Which candidate married his/her spouse in the living room of their first home, with a reception that followed in the backyard?
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz

Which GOP contender wants to Carpet Bomb ISIS but finds himself dealing with his own "native" controversy?
Jeb Bush
Donald Trump
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz

Which republican candidate once referred to himself as "very liberal?"
Donald Trump
Marco Rubio
Ted Cruz
Ben Carson

Which candidate starred in his/her own video game as a part of his campaign?
Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton

Which candidate said, "Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion?"
Bernie Sanders
Jeb Bush
Hillary Clinton

Which candidate said, “I will take nothing and no one for granted. I will run with heart. I will run to win?"
Bernie Sanders
Jeb Bush
Donald Trump

Which candidate said, “The power of the American people as we stand up and fight for liberty knows no bounds?"
Ted Cruz
Ben Carson
Marco Rubio