Do you have what it takes to match these 12 classic actors to their proper stage names? It's time to find out! Put your knowldge of classic actors and actresses to the test with this tricky quiz!

Question 1/10
Which actor's real name was Archibald Alexander Leach?
Humphrey Bogart
Cary Grant
Jimmy Stewart
Question 2/10
Which actors real name was Bernard Schwartz?
Tony Curtis
Spencer Tracy
Ben Kinglsley
Question 3/10
Which actors real name was Norma Jean?
Marilyn Monroe
Audrey Hepburn
Katherine Hepburn
Question 4/10
Which actors real name is Allan Stewart Konigsberg?
Woody Allen
Gene Hackman
Paul Newman
Question 5/10
Which famed actress was born Betty Joan Perske?
Bette Middler
Lana Turner
Lauren Bacall
Question 6/10
Which actresses' given name is Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko?
Natalie Wood
Natalie Portman
Naomi Watts
Question 7/10
Which famous actress and TV show host was born Caryn Elaine Johnson?
Ellen DeGeneres
Tyra Banks
Whoopi Goldberg
Question 8/10
Which hunky actor was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr?
Cary Grant
Clark Gable
Rock Hudson
Question 9/10
Which famous actress was born Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff?
Doris Day
Meg Ryan
Marilyn Monroe
Question 10/10
Which actor was born Dino Paul Crocetti?
Dean Martin
Fred Astaire
Dick Van Dyke
Unfortunately, when it comes to proper stage names and classic actors, your knowledge has a bit of stage fright! While we don't doubt your love of cinema and classic movies, you're not quite an expert on stage names just yet. Worry not, this is a great excuse to binge watch some classics and get back to basics.
C+, Stage Fright
You're awesome! When it comes to classic stage names and the actors who bore them, you're pretty much an expert. It's clear that classic cinema has a special place in your heart. From Cary Grant to Marilyn Monroe, you know your classic actors like only a true fan can.
B+, Stage Name Nifty
Wow, you're awesome! Despite the fact that most of these actors were only ever known by their popular stage names, you managed to correctly match each of these 12 actors and actresses to their birth names. It's clear that you're a cinema buff with a true love of pop culture and history. Keep it up!
A+, Stage Name Expert

Which actor's real name was Archibald Alexander Leach?
Humphrey Bogart
Cary Grant
Jimmy Stewart

Which actors real name was Bernard Schwartz?
Tony Curtis
Spencer Tracy
Ben Kinglsley

Which actors real name was Norma Jean?
Marilyn Monroe
Audrey Hepburn
Katherine Hepburn

Which actors real name is Allan Stewart Konigsberg?
Woody Allen
Gene Hackman
Paul Newman

Which famed actress was born Betty Joan Perske?
Bette Middler
Lana Turner
Lauren Bacall

Which actresses' given name is Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko?
Natalie Wood
Natalie Portman
Naomi Watts

Which famous actress and TV show host was born Caryn Elaine Johnson?
Ellen DeGeneres
Tyra Banks
Whoopi Goldberg

Which hunky actor was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr?
Cary Grant
Clark Gable
Rock Hudson

Which famous actress was born Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff?
Doris Day
Meg Ryan
Marilyn Monroe

Which actor was born Dino Paul Crocetti?
Dean Martin
Fred Astaire
Dick Van Dyke