Do you think your knowledge of Christmas movies far exceeds that of the average US citizens? It's time to find out! Take this quiz and discover if you're really a Christmas movie buff. Tis the season to put your knowledge to the test!

Question 1/12
What 2003 movie is about a human named Buddy who was raised by the elves at the North Pole?
Fred Claus
The Santa Claus
Question 2/12
What 1983 movie is about a boy who wanted a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas?
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
Miracle on 34th Street
Question 3/12
What 2003 Christmas movie starred Billy Bob Thornton as a department store robber?
Nifty Santa
Bad Santa
Mean Santa
Question 4/12
In what 2000 movie does Jack Campbell wake up on Christmas morning to find his life has changed?
The Family Man
My Wife And Kids
Today and Tomorrow
Question 5/12
What 1990 Christmas movie is about a young boy named Kevin left behind by his family?
Holiday in Handcuffs
The Christmas Wish
Home Alone
Question 6/12
What movie was first a cartoon made in 1966, and then a live action film from 2000 starring Jim Carrey?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
A Christmas Carol
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Question 7/12
Which Frank Capra film is a classic Christmas movie about George Bailey?
Holiday Inn
White Christmas
It's a Wonderful Life
Question 8/12
What 1996 Christmas movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Countdown to Christmas
Christmas Frenzy
Jingle All The Way
Question 9/12
What 2003 Christmas movie follows eight different scenarios?
Love Entirely
Love Actually
The Holiday
Question 10/12
What movie (1947) and (1994) is about a girl named Susan who doesn't believe in Santa Claus?
The Year Without a Santa Claus
Miracle on 34th Street
No Santa For Me
Question 11/12
What is the name of the classic Christmas story that features Clara?
The Toy Soldier
The Nutcracker
The Miarcle
Question 12/12
Tom Hanks provides the voice for six different characters in what 2004 holiday movie?
The Elf on the Shelf
The Polar Express
The Santa Train
Unfortunately, this quiz proved that you're still a bit of a Christmas movie novice! You might love a good Christmas flick, but you're not an expert on this genre of films just yet! We think this requires a Christmas movie marathon with plenty of cookies!
C+, Christmas Movie Novice
Based on the results of this quiz, you are truly Christmas movie clever! One thing is for sure, you love a good Christmas movie. Sure, you may have missed a question or two on this quiz, but it's obvious you know Christmas movies like only a true love of this holiday really can!
B+, Christmas Movie Clever
Based on the results of this quiz, you are a total Christmas movie buff! It's obvious that no one knows Christmas movies as well as you! From "The Grinch" to "Home Alone" and every Christmas flick in between, you're an expert on all things Christmas!
A+, Christmas Movie Buff

What 2003 movie is about a human named Buddy who was raised by the elves at the North Pole?
Fred Claus
The Santa Claus

What 1983 movie is about a boy who wanted a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas?
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
Miracle on 34th Street

What 2003 Christmas movie starred Billy Bob Thornton as a department store robber?
Nifty Santa
Bad Santa
Mean Santa

In what 2000 movie does Jack Campbell wake up on Christmas morning to find his life has changed?
The Family Man
My Wife And Kids
Today and Tomorrow

What 1990 Christmas movie is about a young boy named Kevin left behind by his family?
Holiday in Handcuffs
The Christmas Wish
Home Alone

What movie was first a cartoon made in 1966, and then a live action film from 2000 starring Jim Carrey?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
A Christmas Carol
A Charlie Brown Christmas

Which Frank Capra film is a classic Christmas movie about George Bailey?
Holiday Inn
White Christmas
It's a Wonderful Life

What 1996 Christmas movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Countdown to Christmas
Christmas Frenzy
Jingle All The Way

What 2003 Christmas movie follows eight different scenarios?
Love Entirely
Love Actually
The Holiday

What movie (1947) and (1994) is about a girl named Susan who doesn't believe in Santa Claus?
The Year Without a Santa Claus
Miracle on 34th Street
No Santa For Me

What is the name of the classic Christmas story that features Clara?
The Toy Soldier
The Nutcracker
The Miarcle

Tom Hanks provides the voice for six different characters in what 2004 holiday movie?
The Elf on the Shelf
The Polar Express
The Santa Train