Do you know who the only US president was to do each of these 10 things? It's time to find out! Embark on this quiz and discover if your presidential knowledge is up to snuff!

Question 1/10
Who was the only US president to graduate from the US Naval Academy?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Question 2/10
Who was the only president to be born outside of the continental US?
George Washington
John Adams
Barack Obama
Question 3/10
Who was the only US president to have resigned from office?
Richard Nixon
Andrew Johnson
William McKinley
Question 4/10
Who was the only US president to have authorized the use of an atomic bomb?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Question 5/10
Who was the only US president to never be elected President or Vice President?
John Tyler
Gerald Ford
Lyndon B. Johnson
Question 6/10
Who was the only US president to save over 50 lives as a lifeguard?
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
John F. Kennedy
Question 7/10
Who was the only US president to hold a patent?
Zachary Tyler
Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson
Question 8/10
Who was the only US president to have founded an institution of higher learning?
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
James Madison
Question 9/10
Who was the only US president to have a non-US capital city named after him?
James Monroe
James Madison
Abraham Lincoln
Question 10/10
Who was the only US president to never marry?
Chester A. Arthur
Thomas Jefferson
James Buchanan
Based on the results of this quiz, you are a bit of a presidential putz! While you may have answered a few of these questions correctly, you're not overly keen on which presidents did or didn't do certain things while in office. Fret not, you gave it your all!
C+, Presidential Putz
Based on the results of this quiz, you've got some true presidential promise! While you didn't know every fact on this quiz, you proved that you are more than competent when it comes to the accomplishments and failures of these past presidents. Well done!
B+, Presidential Promise
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a true presidential powerhouse! It's obvious that you know each of these presidents pretty well. Not only did you know what each of these presidents did or didn't do, but we suspect your history knowledge far surpasses the confines of this quiz. Well done!
A+, Presidential Powerhouse

Who was the only US president to graduate from the US Naval Academy?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter

Who was the only president to be born outside of the continental US?
George Washington
John Adams
Barack Obama

Who was the only US president to have resigned from office?
Richard Nixon
Andrew Johnson
William McKinley

Who was the only US president to have authorized the use of an atomic bomb?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman

Who was the only US president to never be elected President or Vice President?
John Tyler
Gerald Ford
Lyndon B. Johnson

Who was the only US president to save over 50 lives as a lifeguard?
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
John F. Kennedy

Who was the only US president to hold a patent?
Zachary Tyler
Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson

Who was the only US president to have founded an institution of higher learning?
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
James Madison

Who was the only US president to have a non-US capital city named after him?
James Monroe
James Madison
Abraham Lincoln

Who was the only US president to never marry?
Chester A. Arthur
Thomas Jefferson
James Buchanan