Do you think you can determine which of these historical events happened first? Take these 12 questions and discover if your history know how is really up to snuff!

Question 1/12
Which happened first?
The Sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine
The Battle of Verdun
They happened at the same time
Question 2/12
Which happened first?
Germany invades Poland
Hitler is appointed German chancellor
They happened at the same time.
Question 3/12
Which happened first?
They happened at the same time
The Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed
The Reign of Ghengus Khan
Question 4/12
Which happened first?
Joan of Arc burned at the Stake
The Fall of the Aztec Empire
They happened at the same time
Question 5/12
Which happened first?
The reign of Catherine the Great
The American revolution
They happened at the same time
Question 6/12
Which happened first?
The start of the American revolotion
The start of the French Revolution
They append at the same time
Question 7/12
Which happened first?
The Battle at Gettysburg
The California Gold Rush
They happened at the same time
Question 8/12
Which happened first?
The sinking of the Titanic
The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
They happened at the same time
Question 9/12
Which happened first?
Women's right to vote
The Stock Market crash
They happened at the same time
Question 10/12
Which happened first?
The attack on Pearl Harbor
They happened at the same time
Question 11/12
Which happened first?
The great San Francisco earthquake
A massive hurricane ravages Galveseton, Texas
They happened at the same time
Question 12/12
Which happened first?
The Boy Scouts of America is incorporated
The Balkan Wars
They happened at the same time
Unfortunately, you're not well versed on history just yet. While you may have known a few of the answers on this quiz, your timeline is a bit askew. Go ahead and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back.
C+, History Hijinks
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a true history hero! You know your history timeline well. While you may not be a history expert just yet, your knowledge is quite impressive. Well done!
B+, History Hero
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a true history expert! It's obvious that you know history better than just about anyone else. You know exactly when every major event occurred and why it was important!
A+, History Expert

Which happened first?
The Sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine
The Battle of Verdun
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
Germany invades Poland
Hitler is appointed German chancellor
They happened at the same time.

Which happened first?
They happened at the same time
The Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed
The Reign of Ghengus Khan

Which happened first?
Joan of Arc burned at the Stake
The Fall of the Aztec Empire
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
The reign of Catherine the Great
The American revolution
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
The start of the American revolotion
The start of the French Revolution
They append at the same time

Which happened first?
The Battle at Gettysburg
The California Gold Rush
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
The sinking of the Titanic
The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
Women's right to vote
The Stock Market crash
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
The attack on Pearl Harbor
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
The great San Francisco earthquake
A massive hurricane ravages Galveseton, Texas
They happened at the same time

Which happened first?
The Boy Scouts of America is incorporated
The Balkan Wars
They happened at the same time