Think you know your political jargon and slang terms like a true patriot? It's time to find out if you can really keep up with the political pundits! Ready to put your political slang knowledge to the test? Start the quiz!
START THE QUIZ!Question 1/12
What is an 'incumbent?'
A former office holder.
A current office holder.
A candidate for office.
Question 2/12
What is a 'flip-flopper?'
A candidate or politician who changes his mind on certain important issues over time.
A candidate who switches parties to suit their needs.
A politician who makes promises by todesn't deliver.
Question 3/12
Who is considered an 'independent?'
Someone who doesn't vote.
Someone on welfare.
Someone who is not affiliated with either party.
Question 4/12
What is 'democracy?'
Rule by the rich
Rule by the people
Rule by the monarchy
Question 5/12
What does it mean to be 'bipartisan?'
An effort that brings together both political parties in mutual agreement.
Something that only works toward the goals of one political part.
Something brought about by big corporations.
Question 6/12
What is 'voter turnout?'
Least common opinion of those who vote.
Most common opinion of those who vote.
Percentage of citizens who vote in an election.
Question 7/12
Who is a 'right-to-lifer?'
A person who is anti-abortion.
A person who is pro-choice.
A person who is anti-gun.
Question 8/12
Who is considered a 'tree-hugger?'
Any liberal.
An environmentalist.
A person under 30.
Question 9/12
What does 'GOP' stand for?
Great Old Palace
Grand Ole Party
Grand Old People
Question 10/12
What is a 'pardon?'
The changing of a law.
The release of evidence in an old case.
Release from punishment or conviction.
Question 11/12
Who is a 'public servant?'
An elected official.
Anyone who volunteers.
Anyone who votes.
Question 12/12
What is a 'RINO?'
A Republican who often sides with democrats.
A republican who is very conservative.
A democrat who sides with republicans.
Uh-oh, unfortunately you don't know your political jargon very well just yet! Given that there's an election coming, it might be time to study up on these twelve terms before it's too late!
C+, Political Putz
You're a political powerhouse! Even though you missed a question or two, you seem to possess a great understanding of American politics and the jargon used both in Washington and in the news. You're well informed and knowledgable, just as a citizen should be!
B+, Political Powerhouse
You clearly take great interest in American politics and the government that represents you! Not only do you understand political jargon, but you seem to have deep insight into the slang terms and nuanced language used by the news media. You're an informed citizen worthy of casting a vote. Go you!
A+, Politically Perfect
What is an 'incumbent?'
A former office holder.
A current office holder.
A candidate for office.
What is a 'flip-flopper?'
A candidate or politician who changes his mind on certain important issues over time.
A candidate who switches parties to suit their needs.
A politician who makes promises by todesn't deliver.
Who is considered an 'independent?'
Someone who doesn't vote.
Someone on welfare.
Someone who is not affiliated with either party.
What is 'democracy?'
Rule by the rich
Rule by the people
Rule by the monarchy
What does it mean to be 'bipartisan?'
An effort that brings together both political parties in mutual agreement.
Something that only works toward the goals of one political part.
Something brought about by big corporations.
What is 'voter turnout?'
Least common opinion of those who vote.
Most common opinion of those who vote.
Percentage of citizens who vote in an election.
Who is a 'right-to-lifer?'
A person who is anti-abortion.
A person who is pro-choice.
A person who is anti-gun.
Who is considered a 'tree-hugger?'
Any liberal.
An environmentalist.
A person under 30.
What does 'GOP' stand for?
Great Old Palace
Grand Ole Party
Grand Old People
What is a 'pardon?'
The changing of a law.
The release of evidence in an old case.
Release from punishment or conviction.
Who is a 'public servant?'
An elected official.
Anyone who volunteers.
Anyone who votes.
What is a 'RINO?'
A Republican who often sides with democrats.
A republican who is very conservative.
A democrat who sides with republicans.