How well do you know American authors? Do you know everything about their books? Take this quiz and find out just how well-read you are!

Question 1/12

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What was the name of Stephen King's first novel?
Question 2/12

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What war is described in the book 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' by Ernest Hemingway?
The Spanish Civil War
The American Civil War
Chilean Civil War
Question 3/12

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Who is the narrator of the book 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald?
Nick Carraway
Jay Gatsby
Daisy Buchanan
Question 4/12

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How long did it take Jack Kerouac to write his most famous book 'On The Road'?
Two weeks
Three weeks
four weeks
Question 5/12

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In which year was the book 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' by Mark Twain published?
Question 6/12

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The book 'The Prince and the Pauper' by Mark Twain is his first attempt at what?
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
Question 7/12

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The American author James Patterson is best known for which novel series?
Alex Cross series
Witch and Wizard series
Women's Muder Club series
Question 8/12

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Louisa May Alcott is best known for which of her novels?
Little Women
Little Men
Eight Cousins
Question 9/12

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The novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee won which prize?
Pulitzer Prize
Nobel Prize
The Story Prize
Question 10/12

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Which one of these 2 books did John Steinbeck write?
Of Mice And Women
The Oranges of Wrath
Question 11/12

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The first novel that Jack Kerouac ever wrote was called what?
The Sea is My Brother
Orpheus Emerged
The Haunted Life and Other Writings
Question 12/12

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When did J. D. Salinger start writing short stories?
While in primary school
While in secondary school
While in university
You did quite well! While you did not succeed in answering most of the questions, I'm sure your taste in literature is impeccable! There is more than just American authors out there, right?
Not too bad

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Great! You know a lot about American authors and their books. You have a great taste in literature. Well done!
Very good

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Excellent! You did great! You seem to know almost everything about American authors and their books. It is obvious you read a lot and enjoy it!

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What was the name of Stephen King's first novel?

What war is described in the book 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' by Ernest Hemingway?
The Spanish Civil War
The American Civil War
Chilean Civil War

Who is the narrator of the book 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald?
Nick Carraway
Jay Gatsby
Daisy Buchanan

How long did it take Jack Kerouac to write his most famous book 'On The Road'?
Two weeks
Three weeks
four weeks

In which year was the book 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' by Mark Twain published?

The book 'The Prince and the Pauper' by Mark Twain is his first attempt at what?
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction

The American author James Patterson is best known for which novel series?
Alex Cross series
Witch and Wizard series
Women's Muder Club series

Louisa May Alcott is best known for which of her novels?
Little Women
Little Men
Eight Cousins

The novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee won which prize?
Pulitzer Prize
Nobel Prize
The Story Prize

Which one of these 2 books did John Steinbeck write?
Of Mice And Women
The Oranges of Wrath

The first novel that Jack Kerouac ever wrote was called what?
The Sea is My Brother
Orpheus Emerged
The Haunted Life and Other Writings

When did J. D. Salinger start writing short stories?
While in primary school
While in secondary school
While in university