A lot of people still use these phrases, even though they've become obsolete. Do you?

Question 1/12

Your friend keeps telling the same story over and over again. What does she sound like?
A skipping disc
A broken record
A doorbell
Question 2/12

Someone dropped a dime on you. What did they do?
Called you (from a payphone).
Sold you drugs.
Talked to the cops.
Question 3/12

Sometimes, people get up on the wrong side of the bed. Which side is wrong?
The bad attitude side.
Question 4/12

You live in the 70's and you're trying to find something to watch on TV, so you....
Scan the channels.
Browse channels.
Flip through channels.
Question 5/12

Which obsolete phrase might you use when it's hot in the car?
Turn on the fan.
Flip on the A/C
Roll down the window.
Question 6/12

You still use this phrase too, though you likely haven't done it in years.
Hang up the phone.
Shut off the alarm.
Take a hike.
Question 7/12

When you can't be there to see your favorite show, you're going to say this, but do something else entirely.
Record the show.
Tape the show.
Save the show.
Question 8/12

If you are rushing, someone might give you this obsolete phrase.
Keep your cool.
Cool your jets.
Hold your horses.
Question 9/12

This used to be quite literal; now it just means that you are the center of attention.
On stage
In the limelight
In the paper
Question 10/12

You should do this on your best behavior, though past typographers really had to do it.
Follow the common order
Keep your case in order.
Mind your Ps and Qs.
Question 11/12

Everyone still uses this obsolete phrase, but it doesn't apply to most modern media.
The Press
The Paparazzi
The Paper
Question 12/12

When you do this, you've told a secret, but it used to mean you were going to be flogged.
Spill the beans.
Let it slip.
Let the cat out of the bag.
You didn't know many of these obsolete phrases, because you probably don't use them and have never even heard most of them. This means you are truly modern and won't become obsolete until nobody remembers what 'trending' meant.
C+, Modern Man

You have a modern memory. You have heard and even used some of these phrases, and you actually know the origins of some of them. You know how to apply them to modern circumstances, but you are not obsolete.
B+, Modern Memory

You have an obsolete memory. You knew almost all of these obsolete phrases and their origins. You've not only heard of them, but probably still use them every day. You've got one foot in the present and one in the past.
A+, Obsolete Memory


Your friend keeps telling the same story over and over again. What does she sound like?
A skipping disc
A broken record
A doorbell

Someone dropped a dime on you. What did they do?
Called you (from a payphone).
Sold you drugs.
Talked to the cops.

Sometimes, people get up on the wrong side of the bed. Which side is wrong?
The bad attitude side.

You live in the 70's and you're trying to find something to watch on TV, so you....
Scan the channels.
Browse channels.
Flip through channels.

Which obsolete phrase might you use when it's hot in the car?
Turn on the fan.
Flip on the A/C
Roll down the window.

You still use this phrase too, though you likely haven't done it in years.
Hang up the phone.
Shut off the alarm.
Take a hike.

When you can't be there to see your favorite show, you're going to say this, but do something else entirely.
Record the show.
Tape the show.
Save the show.

If you are rushing, someone might give you this obsolete phrase.
Keep your cool.
Cool your jets.
Hold your horses.

This used to be quite literal; now it just means that you are the center of attention.
On stage
In the limelight
In the paper

You should do this on your best behavior, though past typographers really had to do it.
Follow the common order
Keep your case in order.
Mind your Ps and Qs.

Everyone still uses this obsolete phrase, but it doesn't apply to most modern media.
The Press
The Paparazzi
The Paper

When you do this, you've told a secret, but it used to mean you were going to be flogged.
Spill the beans.
Let it slip.
Let the cat out of the bag.