These celebrities have all changed their birth names. Can you identify the celebrity with their original name?
Question 1/12
This is Englebert Humperkinck. Believe it or not, that's his stage name. What was his real name?
Arnold George Dorsey
Bob Humperdinck
Englebert Jones
Mohandas Singh
Question 2/12
Tony Curtis was born with a different name. What was it?
Anthony Cortarelli
Antonio Cortes
Bernard Schwartz
Tomas Kurtz
Question 3/12
What was Jamie Foxx's real name?
Redd Foxx
Jamie McDaniels
Eric Bishop
Bishop Latimore
Question 4/12
We know her as Whoopi Goldberg. What is on her birth certificate?
Whoopi Goldberg (yes, it's her real name!)
Whoopi McCallister
Rachel Goldberg
Caryn Johnson
Question 5/12
Bob Dylan went by another name growing up. What was it?
Dylan Roberts
Robert Zimmerman
Roberto De Leon
Dylan Thomas
Question 6/12
Mickey Rooney was at one time the biggest movie star in the world. What was his birth name?
Rooney Rooney
Miguel Ramirez
Joseph Yule Jr.
Andy Hardy
Question 7/12
Winona Ryder changed her name from what?
Winona Judd
Winona Horowitz
Honey Ryder
Winnifred Rasmussen
Question 8/12
What did Elton John's parents name him?
John Elton
Lloyd Allwyn
Reginald Dwight
Dwight Eisenhower
Question 9/12
If Ralph Lauren hadn't changed his name, this would have been on the back of your clothes:
Ralph Lifshitz
Rolfe Lurzen
Laurence Richards
Larry Renfro
Question 10/12
What was Kirk Douglas' real name?
Kieren Degrasse
Issur Danielovitch
Danny Kirkman
Douglas Church
Question 11/12
Charlie Sheen has a different name on his birth certificate. What is it?
Carlos Estevez
Karl Eisen
Chang Yoon Shin
Question 12/12
Demi Moore's real name is what?
Demeter Moranis
Demetria Guynes
Maryam Mardirosian
Debbie Moscowitz
Jon Bon Jovi (AKA Jon Bongiovi) applauds your effort, but still feels you give love a bad name. You got more wrong than right this time around, but you'll do better on the next quiz.
You Give Love A Bad Name
Bono Vox (AKA Paul Hewson) commends you on your knowledge of celebrity stage names. You got a few wrong, but your score is still very impressive.
Where The Streets Have No Name
Prince Rogers Nelson (AKA Prince), would be very proud of you! You got all or most of these celebrity stage names right. Do you secretly wish you'd changed your name?
This is Englebert Humperkinck. Believe it or not, that's his stage name. What was his real name?
Arnold George Dorsey
Bob Humperdinck
Englebert Jones
Mohandas Singh
Tony Curtis was born with a different name. What was it?
Anthony Cortarelli
Antonio Cortes
Bernard Schwartz
Tomas Kurtz
What was Jamie Foxx's real name?
Redd Foxx
Jamie McDaniels
Eric Bishop
Bishop Latimore
We know her as Whoopi Goldberg. What is on her birth certificate?
Whoopi Goldberg (yes, it's her real name!)
Whoopi McCallister
Rachel Goldberg
Caryn Johnson
Bob Dylan went by another name growing up. What was it?
Dylan Roberts
Robert Zimmerman
Roberto De Leon
Dylan Thomas
Mickey Rooney was at one time the biggest movie star in the world. What was his birth name?
Rooney Rooney
Miguel Ramirez
Joseph Yule Jr.
Andy Hardy
Winona Ryder changed her name from what?
Winona Judd
Winona Horowitz
Honey Ryder
Winnifred Rasmussen
What did Elton John's parents name him?
John Elton
Lloyd Allwyn
Reginald Dwight
Dwight Eisenhower
If Ralph Lauren hadn't changed his name, this would have been on the back of your clothes:
Ralph Lifshitz
Rolfe Lurzen
Laurence Richards
Larry Renfro
What was Kirk Douglas' real name?
Kieren Degrasse
Issur Danielovitch
Danny Kirkman
Douglas Church
Charlie Sheen has a different name on his birth certificate. What is it?
Carlos Estevez
Karl Eisen
Chang Yoon Shin
Demi Moore's real name is what?
Demeter Moranis
Demetria Guynes
Maryam Mardirosian
Debbie Moscowitz