Can You Translate These Office Slang Words?

Question 1/12
If someone says 'Loop Me,' what do they want you to do?
Have their back.
Remind them of something.
Include them in conversations.

Question 2/12
If someone tells you to 'Move the Needle,' they mean....
Make some sort of progress.
Change your approach.
Finish a project.

Question 3/12
You have an idea, and someone asks you to 'Use Case.' What do they want you to do?
Put your idea into action.
Explain the idea in the appropriate context.
Let go of your idea because it's bad.

Question 4/12
If you're 'Circling the Wagons,' you are...
Being unproductive.
Discussing something that few care about.
Just about finished with the project.

Question 5/12
If you're 'Drinking Your Own Champagne,' you are...
Using your own product.
Complimenting your own work.
Getting ahead of yourself.

Question 6/12
What is a 'Cubicle Farm?'
A room filled with cubicles.
Where office workers are trained.
Where you share a cubicle.

Question 7/12
If you are 'Boiling the Ocean,' you are...
Making your bosses angry.
Arguing with customers.
Doing something that seems impossible.

Question 8/12
What is 'Blue Sky Thinking?'
Unrealistic Optimism
Determination to Succeed
Seeking a Promotion

Question 9/12
If you 'Land and Expand,' you are...
Expanding on what you've sold to a customer.
Advancing in your career.
Changing office policies.

Question 10/12
If you 'Hammer it Out,' you are....
Arguing Heatedly
Typing Something
Debating Calmly

Question 11/12
To 'Drill Down' is to....
Focus more on a project.
Go into more detail.
Work Overtime

Question 12/12
What is 'Whitespace?'
Spaces in a document.
Free time during the workday.
Potential sales to existing clients.
A 'High Level View' is a vague description, and that's the most anyone can expect from you when it comes to translating office slang. You didn't get many right, but maybe you can ace it the next time.

C+, High Level View
'Low Hanging Fruit' is an easily attainable accomplishment. You got enough right to make it through a day at the office, but you did not ace office slang translation.

B+, Low Hanging Fruit
You probably already know that a 'Deep Dive' is a more detailed analysis of the issue. That is exactly what you can provide since you've aced this office slang quiz. Great work!

A+, Deep Dive
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Do you work in an office? Could you survive in this environment? See if you can translate 12 office slang words.
If someone says 'Loop Me,' what do they want you to do?
Have their back.
Remind them of something.
Include them in conversations.
If someone tells you to 'Move the Needle,' they mean....
Make some sort of progress.
Change your approach.
Finish a project.
You have an idea, and someone asks you to 'Use Case.' What do they want you to do?
Put your idea into action.
Explain the idea in the appropriate context.
Let go of your idea because it's bad.
If you're 'Circling the Wagons,' you are...
Being unproductive.
Discussing something that few care about.
Just about finished with the project.
If you're 'Drinking Your Own Champagne,' you are...
Using your own product.
Complimenting your own work.
Getting ahead of yourself.
What is a 'Cubicle Farm?'
A room filled with cubicles.
Where office workers are trained.
Where you share a cubicle.
If you are 'Boiling the Ocean,' you are...
Making your bosses angry.
Arguing with customers.
Doing something that seems impossible.
What is 'Blue Sky Thinking?'
Unrealistic Optimism
Determination to Succeed
Seeking a Promotion
If you 'Land and Expand,' you are...
Expanding on what you've sold to a customer.
Advancing in your career.
Changing office policies.
If you 'Hammer it Out,' you are....
Arguing Heatedly
Typing Something
Debating Calmly
To 'Drill Down' is to....
Focus more on a project.
Go into more detail.
Work Overtime
What is 'Whitespace?'
Spaces in a document.
Free time during the workday.
Potential sales to existing clients.