Everything is bigger and better in the state of Texas, including the slang! Do you think you can talk like a real life Texan? It's time to put your slang knowledge to the ultimate test!

Question 1/12

If a Texan says "This ain't my first rodeo" what are they implying?
It's not their first time doing something.
They're all talk and no action.
They're very tough.
Question 2/12

The Texan expression "lit out" means what?
Took off or started out
Turn off the lights
Very drunk
Question 3/12

If a Texan describes something or someone as "catty whompus", he means it is which of the following?
Snide or insulting
Something that doesn't fit or is out of line
A loud racket
Question 4/12

If a Texan describes someone as "ridin' high," how are they describing them in plain terms?
Doing well or alright.
Wearing his pants too high.
Too big for their britches.
Question 5/12

When a Texan says she is "fixin' to," what does it mean she is doing?
Getting ready to do something
Mixing something up
Looking for a fight
Question 6/12

What is the definition of “all get out?"
Everyone leave
A measure of excitement
A parting or goodbye
Question 7/12

When a Texan describes someone or something as "rode hard and put up wet", what are they saying about that person?
They're dirty
They're poor
They're worse for wear
Question 8/12

If someone "pitches a hissy fit" what are they doing?
Throwing a tantrum
Pitching a tent
Starting fights
Question 9/12

If someone is "all hat and no cattle," then they....
Don't know what they're talking about.
Are making lots of money.
Are betraying their family.
Question 10/12

If a Texan describes someone as "a few pickles short of a barrel," then they think that person is...
Question 11/12

If someone "wouldn't bite a biscuit," then they are....
Afraid of everything.
Allergic to gluten.
A bit too full of themselves.
Question 12/12

If someone is "calling for Earl" in Texas, then they are what?
Throwing up.
Raising hell.
Calling in sick.
Uh-oh, sadly this quiz revealed that you can't talk like a Texan just yet! Though you might know a few words of Texas slang, you couldn't keep up with one of the locals in a heated conversation. Maybe a trip to Texas is in order for research!
C+, You Can't Talk Like A Texan!

Whoa, impressive! This quiz revealed that you can talk like a Texan! Though you might not be quite as fluent as someone who calls the Lone Star state home, you know enough to get by and pass as a local. We think this calls for a celebration Texas style!
B+, You Can Talk Like A Texan!

You're a total Texas slang ace! According to this quiz, you can hold your own amongst any Texan. Not only can you walk the walk in the Lone Star state, but you can most definitely talk the talk. Few people know the slang of Texas quite as well as you do! We tip our cowboy hat to you!
A+, You're A Texas Slang Ace!


If a Texan says "This ain't my first rodeo" what are they implying?
It's not their first time doing something.
They're all talk and no action.
They're very tough.

The Texan expression "lit out" means what?
Took off or started out
Turn off the lights
Very drunk

If a Texan describes something or someone as "catty whompus", he means it is which of the following?
Snide or insulting
Something that doesn't fit or is out of line
A loud racket

If a Texan describes someone as "ridin' high," how are they describing them in plain terms?
Doing well or alright.
Wearing his pants too high.
Too big for their britches.

When a Texan says she is "fixin' to," what does it mean she is doing?
Getting ready to do something
Mixing something up
Looking for a fight

What is the definition of “all get out?"
Everyone leave
A measure of excitement
A parting or goodbye

When a Texan describes someone or something as "rode hard and put up wet", what are they saying about that person?
They're dirty
They're poor
They're worse for wear

If someone "pitches a hissy fit" what are they doing?
Throwing a tantrum
Pitching a tent
Starting fights

If someone is "all hat and no cattle," then they....
Don't know what they're talking about.
Are making lots of money.
Are betraying their family.

If a Texan describes someone as "a few pickles short of a barrel," then they think that person is...

If someone "wouldn't bite a biscuit," then they are....
Afraid of everything.
Allergic to gluten.
A bit too full of themselves.

If someone is "calling for Earl" in Texas, then they are what?
Throwing up.
Raising hell.
Calling in sick.