Some statistics are so crazy they can't be true...or can they? See if you can pick out the real stats from the phonies!

Question 1/12
Which of these statistics is true?
About 50% of books worldwide are sold in the United States.
If you lived to be 100 years old, you'd have spent a total of 45 years sleeping.
A cow farts enough each day to fill 30 party balloons.
Question 2/12
Which of these statistics is true?
Dogs spend 20% of their lives chasing their tails.
30% of children seven years old and younger wet their beds.
Only 30% of people can flare their nostrils.
Question 3/12
Which of these statistics is true?
70% of dust in the home comes from human skin.
Men live an average of 20 years more than women in Asia.
Only 10% of all people can cross their eyes on command.
Question 4/12
Which of these statistics is true?
20% of all marriages ended in divorce in 2009.
30% of people refuse to sit on a public toilet seat.
Falling asleep while driving acconts for 70% of all road accidents.
Question 5/12
Which of these statistics is true?
The average human will eat 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.
90% of women crave onions during their pregnancy.
30% of all people of Indian descent become sufficiently drunk after one bottle of beer.
Question 6/12
Which of these statistics is true?
1 out of 60 flights have issues while in the air every day.
The average person has over 1460 dreams per year.
You are more likely to be killed by a shark than a hippo.
Question 7/12
Which of these statistics is true?
67% of Americans cannot read at the third grade reading level.
The number one phobia in the world is the fear of drowning.
The longest Monopoly game in a bathtub was 99 hours long.
Question 8/12
Which of these statistics is true?
Impotence is grounds for divorce in 24 US states.
There are more sheep on earth than there are atoms in your body.
Particles from a sneeze can travel up to 70 miles.
Question 9/12
Which of these statistics is true?
In the White House, there are over 13,000 knives, forks, and spoons.
1 out of every 4 board games sold is Chutes and Ladders.
50% of all board-accredited surgeons do not wash their hands sufficiently before surgery.
Question 10/12
Which of these statistics is true?
Bears are the cause of more deaths per year than lions.
29% of people are virgins when they get married.
Only about 40% of Americans can swim.
Question 11/12
Which of these statistics is true?
There are no months that have passed without a full moon.
Only 80% of women wash their hands when they leave the restroom.
75% of Americans are afraid to crack their knuckles.
Question 12/12
Which of these statistics is true?
The longest space burp by an astronaut lasted 7.6 seconds.
While they can live for days without their heads, no insect can live for a year without its head.
People photocopying their bums are the cause of 23% of all worldwide photocopier faults.
It seems like it was tough for you to pick out the correct statistic. Time to work on your detective skills!
C+, Amateur Detective
You've got pretty good statistics knowledge! I'd say you deserve a pat on the back - some of these were really tricky!
B+, Stats Know-It-All
Amazing! You either are very good at guessing, or you genuinely enjoy statistics and know very random facts. Either way, you did a spectacular job!
A+, Expert Statitician

Which of these statistics is true?
About 50% of books worldwide are sold in the United States.
If you lived to be 100 years old, you'd have spent a total of 45 years sleeping.
A cow farts enough each day to fill 30 party balloons.

Which of these statistics is true?
Dogs spend 20% of their lives chasing their tails.
30% of children seven years old and younger wet their beds.
Only 30% of people can flare their nostrils.

Which of these statistics is true?
70% of dust in the home comes from human skin.
Men live an average of 20 years more than women in Asia.
Only 10% of all people can cross their eyes on command.

Which of these statistics is true?
20% of all marriages ended in divorce in 2009.
30% of people refuse to sit on a public toilet seat.
Falling asleep while driving acconts for 70% of all road accidents.

Which of these statistics is true?
The average human will eat 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.
90% of women crave onions during their pregnancy.
30% of all people of Indian descent become sufficiently drunk after one bottle of beer.

Which of these statistics is true?
1 out of 60 flights have issues while in the air every day.
The average person has over 1460 dreams per year.
You are more likely to be killed by a shark than a hippo.

Which of these statistics is true?
67% of Americans cannot read at the third grade reading level.
The number one phobia in the world is the fear of drowning.
The longest Monopoly game in a bathtub was 99 hours long.

Which of these statistics is true?
Impotence is grounds for divorce in 24 US states.
There are more sheep on earth than there are atoms in your body.
Particles from a sneeze can travel up to 70 miles.

Which of these statistics is true?
In the White House, there are over 13,000 knives, forks, and spoons.
1 out of every 4 board games sold is Chutes and Ladders.
50% of all board-accredited surgeons do not wash their hands sufficiently before surgery.

Which of these statistics is true?
Bears are the cause of more deaths per year than lions.
29% of people are virgins when they get married.
Only about 40% of Americans can swim.

Which of these statistics is true?
There are no months that have passed without a full moon.
Only 80% of women wash their hands when they leave the restroom.
75% of Americans are afraid to crack their knuckles.

Which of these statistics is true?
The longest space burp by an astronaut lasted 7.6 seconds.
While they can live for days without their heads, no insect can live for a year without its head.
People photocopying their bums are the cause of 23% of all worldwide photocopier faults.