Americans love their guns. And many of them know what they're used for. How good is your gun knowledge?

Question 1/10
This famous gun was used to great effect by Union soldiers. It could fire up to 20 rounds per minute.
The Douglas Rifle
The Ambrose Repeater
The Spencer Repeating Rifle
Question 2/10
How about this one? When people refer to old “six shooters,” this is the gun.
Remington Single-Actin Revolver
Colt Single-Action Revolver
The Browning
Question 3/10
This sweet beauty was known as "The Gun That Won The West."
Westchester Rifle
Winchester Rifle
M1872 Springfield Rifle
Question 4/10
This feisty little number made its mark in WWI and was kept in service during the Vietnam War.
The M1903 Springfield
The M1916 Springfield
The M16 Springfield
Question 5/10
This lovely baby was the first standard issue semi-automatic rifle.
The Colt M3
The Winchester 27
The M1 Garand
Question 6/10
This hard-working rifle was standard issue during the Vietnam war and is still in use today.
The M16
The M12
The M11
Question 7/10
Guns in the wrong hands. This pistol was used by John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Lincoln.
Grimaldi .44
Colt .44
Derringer .44
Question 8/10
Outlaw Jesse James was partial to this gunslinging gun.
Colt .45
Colt .44
Colt .22
Question 9/10
This deadly weapon was often favored by Chicago mobsters during the 1930's.
Thompson Submachine Gun
Thomas Submachine Gun
Thompson AK-47
Question 10/10
Jack Ruby used this gun to kill Lee Harvey Oswald. What is it?
Taurus .40 Snub-Nosed revolver
Olympic .357 Snub Nosed Revolver
.38 Colt Cobra Revolver
Not so good. But not knowing about guns is not a bad thing these days. What you don't know can't hurt you.
C+, Gun Shy
Very good! You know enough about guns to respect their power and appreciate their history.
B+, Gun Smart
Nice going! You are a gun aficionado and probably own one or two. Or twelve. Maybe you should stop now?
A+, Gun Crazy

This famous gun was used to great effect by Union soldiers. It could fire up to 20 rounds per minute.
The Douglas Rifle
The Ambrose Repeater
The Spencer Repeating Rifle

How about this one? When people refer to old “six shooters,” this is the gun.
Remington Single-Actin Revolver
Colt Single-Action Revolver
The Browning

This sweet beauty was known as "The Gun That Won The West."
Westchester Rifle
Winchester Rifle
M1872 Springfield Rifle

This feisty little number made its mark in WWI and was kept in service during the Vietnam War.
The M1903 Springfield
The M1916 Springfield
The M16 Springfield

This lovely baby was the first standard issue semi-automatic rifle.
The Colt M3
The Winchester 27
The M1 Garand

This hard-working rifle was standard issue during the Vietnam war and is still in use today.
The M16
The M12
The M11

Guns in the wrong hands. This pistol was used by John Wilkes Booth to assassinate President Lincoln.
Grimaldi .44
Colt .44
Derringer .44

Outlaw Jesse James was partial to this gunslinging gun.
Colt .45
Colt .44
Colt .22

This deadly weapon was often favored by Chicago mobsters during the 1930's.
Thompson Submachine Gun
Thomas Submachine Gun
Thompson AK-47

Jack Ruby used this gun to kill Lee Harvey Oswald. What is it?
Taurus .40 Snub-Nosed revolver
Olympic .357 Snub Nosed Revolver
.38 Colt Cobra Revolver