Do you think you can name each of these 12 presidents with only one fact as a hint? Take these 12 questions and put your presidential knowledge to the test.

Question 1/12
Which president regularly skinny dipped in the Potomac river?
George Washington
John Quincy Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Question 2/12
Which president taught his parrot how to curse?
Jimmy Carter
Andrew Jackson
Zachary Tyler
Question 3/12
Which president was a notable and great wrestler?
Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
James Buchanan
Question 4/12
Which US president was drunk during his inauguration?
Ulysses S. Grant
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Question 5/12
Which president didn't swear his oath of office?
Franklin Pierce
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Question 6/12
Who was the only president to never marry, instead remaining a bachelor his entire life?
James Buchanan
Dwight D. Eisenhower
James K. Polk
Question 7/12
Who was first president to be both righty and lefty?
James Garfield
Ulysses S. Grant
Jimmy Carter
Question 8/12
Who was the first president to run his campaign using the telephone?
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Question 9/12
Who was the only president to hold a doctorate degree, making him the highest educated president in the history of the United States?
John F. Kennedy
William McKinley
Barack Obama
Question 10/12
Which president rubbed Vaseline on his head while he ate breakfast in bed?
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
George Washington
Question 11/12
Which president was famous among White House staffers for having no shame about asking people to follow him into the bathroom to continue conversation?
Rutherford B. Hayes
Lyndon Johnson
Ronald Reagan
Question 12/12
Which president did a bit of modeling and even posed on the cover of “Cosmopolitan" in the 1940s?
John F. Kennedy
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan
Based on the results of this quiz, you are in a bit of a presidential fact flunk! While you may know the basics when it comes to these 12 past presidents, you don't know the weird facts that showed just who these men really were.
C+, Presidential Fact Flunk
Congratulations! This quiz revealed that you know your presidential facts well! Not only do you know the basics, you know the things that most Americans would be truly surprised to learn. Well done!
B+, Presidential Fact Proficient
Based on the results of this quiz, your knowledge on the US president is absolutely masterful. It's clear you know your stuff when it comes to these 12 US presidents. Well done!
A+, Presidential Fact Masterful

Which president regularly skinny dipped in the Potomac river?
George Washington
John Quincy Adams
Thomas Jefferson

Which president taught his parrot how to curse?
Jimmy Carter
Andrew Jackson
Zachary Tyler

Which president was a notable and great wrestler?
Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
James Buchanan

Which US president was drunk during his inauguration?
Ulysses S. Grant
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson

Which president didn't swear his oath of office?
Franklin Pierce
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry Truman

Who was the only president to never marry, instead remaining a bachelor his entire life?
James Buchanan
Dwight D. Eisenhower
James K. Polk

Who was first president to be both righty and lefty?
James Garfield
Ulysses S. Grant
Jimmy Carter

Who was the first president to run his campaign using the telephone?
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson

Who was the only president to hold a doctorate degree, making him the highest educated president in the history of the United States?
John F. Kennedy
William McKinley
Barack Obama

Which president rubbed Vaseline on his head while he ate breakfast in bed?
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
George Washington

Which president was famous among White House staffers for having no shame about asking people to follow him into the bathroom to continue conversation?
Rutherford B. Hayes
Lyndon Johnson
Ronald Reagan

Which president did a bit of modeling and even posed on the cover of “Cosmopolitan" in the 1940s?
John F. Kennedy
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan