If we show you the year, can you choose the event that took place within that year? It's time to find out just how good your memory really is!

Question 1/12

Choose the event: 1865
The sinking of the Titanic
President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
The start of the Civil War
Question 2/12

Choose the event: 1876
The first automobile is created
The first telephone call is made
The first words were transmitted through a receiver.
Question 3/12

Choose the event: 1903
Amelia Earhart flies around the world
The Wright Brothers are the first humans in flight
The Hindenburg crashes
Question 4/12

Choose the event: 1905.
Einstein published the theory of relativity
Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
Women are given the right to vote
Question 5/12

Choose the event: 1929
The US enters World War I
The US Stock Market Crashes
Germany invades Poland
Question 6/12

Choose the event: 1941 The United States enters World War II.
The US bombs Hiroshima
The US enters World War II
Franklin D. Roosevelt passes away
Question 7/12

Choose the event: 1968
John F. Kennedy is assassinated
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated
Jim Morrison dies
Question 8/12

Choose the event: 1975.
The Berlin Wall falls
Ronald Reagan is elected president
The Vietnam war officially ends
Question 9/12

Choose the event: 1998
The Twin Towers are hit
The Columbine Massacre occurs
Bill Clinton is impeached
Question 10/12

Choose the event: 2003
The US housing market collapses
The space shuttle columbia explodes upon reentry.
Dick Cheney is shot on a hunting trip
Question 11/12

Choose the event: 2007
Nancy Pelosi is elected the first female Speaker of the House
Martha Stewart goes to prison
George W. Bush suffers a heart attack
Question 12/12

Choose the event: 2013
6.9 magnitude earthquake strikes the Philipines
US soldier kills 16 civilians in Iraq
Edward Snowden admits to NSA leaks that spark controversy in the US.
Based on the results of this quiz, you are bit fledgling when it comes to matching the year to the event that took place in it. While you might not be an expert on history just yet, you're well on your way.
C+, Year Fledgling

Based on the results of this quiz, you are a true history maven! You didn't have any difficulty whatsoever in remember the exact year that these events occurred in. It's clear to us that you've got a strong aptitude for all things historical.
B+, History Maven

Based on the results of this quiz, you are a historical hero! The most important thing about history, is keeping it alive. This means that folks like you have to remember the little things and the big things in order to keep history from repeating itself.
A+, Historical Hero


Choose the event: 1865
The sinking of the Titanic
President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
The start of the Civil War

Choose the event: 1876
The first automobile is created
The first telephone call is made
The first words were transmitted through a receiver.

Choose the event: 1903
Amelia Earhart flies around the world
The Wright Brothers are the first humans in flight
The Hindenburg crashes

Choose the event: 1905.
Einstein published the theory of relativity
Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
Women are given the right to vote

Choose the event: 1929
The US enters World War I
The US Stock Market Crashes
Germany invades Poland

Choose the event: 1941 The United States enters World War II.
The US bombs Hiroshima
The US enters World War II
Franklin D. Roosevelt passes away

Choose the event: 1968
John F. Kennedy is assassinated
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated
Jim Morrison dies

Choose the event: 1975.
The Berlin Wall falls
Ronald Reagan is elected president
The Vietnam war officially ends

Choose the event: 1998
The Twin Towers are hit
The Columbine Massacre occurs
Bill Clinton is impeached

Choose the event: 2003
The US housing market collapses
The space shuttle columbia explodes upon reentry.
Dick Cheney is shot on a hunting trip

Choose the event: 2007
Nancy Pelosi is elected the first female Speaker of the House
Martha Stewart goes to prison
George W. Bush suffers a heart attack

Choose the event: 2013
6.9 magnitude earthquake strikes the Philipines
US soldier kills 16 civilians in Iraq
Edward Snowden admits to NSA leaks that spark controversy in the US.