Do you think you've got what it takes to decipher these 12 famous Latin phrases? It's time to put your language knowledge to the test once and for all. Are you ready?

Question 1/10
What does the Latin phrase "carpe diem" translate to?
Life goes on
Make the day
Seize the day
Question 2/10
What does the Latin phrase "Veritas vos liberabit" translate to?
No lies just truth
The truth will set you free
Always do right
Question 3/10
What does the Latin phrase "Volens et potens" translate to?
Ready, aim, fire
Ready and willing
Off we go
Question 4/10
What does the Latin phrase "Errare humanum est" translate to?
We are all human
To err is human
To live is to die
Question 5/10
What does the Latin phrase "a mari usque ad mare" translate to?
From sea to sea
From coast to coast
From season to season
Question 6/10
What does the Latin phrase "Caveat emptor" translate to?
Let the light shine in
Let the business thrive
Let the buyer beware
Question 7/10
What does the Latin phrase "Dum spiro, spero" translate to?
When I breath, I hope
Where there is hope, there is life
There is always tomorrow
Question 8/10
What does the Latin phrase "Cogito ergo sum" translate to?
It is human to think
I think, therefore I am
I am therefore I think
Question 9/10
What does the Latin phrase "Mihi cura futuri" translate to?
I am the future
I care for the future
I live for the future
Question 10/10
What does the Latin phrase "bona fide" translate to?
Good faith
Little faith
Do good
Based on the results of this quiz you are a bit Latin loose! Though you may have recognized a few of the phrases on this quiz, you could certainly stand to brush up on your Latin. Fret not, trying is half the battle!
C+, Latin Loose
Based on the results of this quiz, you are truly Latin lovely! Not everyone can boast Latin skills on your level. In fact, few Americans can answer even half of these Latin phrases. Luckily, you proved you're the best of the best!
B+, Latin Lovely
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a true Latin ace! There's no doubt in our minds that you've spent some time studying and deciphering Latin. Your knowledge of these phrases isn't just impressive, it's downright rare!
A+, Latin Ace

What does the Latin phrase "carpe diem" translate to?
Life goes on
Make the day
Seize the day

What does the Latin phrase "Veritas vos liberabit" translate to?
No lies just truth
The truth will set you free
Always do right

What does the Latin phrase "Volens et potens" translate to?
Ready, aim, fire
Ready and willing
Off we go

What does the Latin phrase "Errare humanum est" translate to?
We are all human
To err is human
To live is to die

What does the Latin phrase "a mari usque ad mare" translate to?
From sea to sea
From coast to coast
From season to season

What does the Latin phrase "Caveat emptor" translate to?
Let the light shine in
Let the business thrive
Let the buyer beware

What does the Latin phrase "Dum spiro, spero" translate to?
When I breath, I hope
Where there is hope, there is life
There is always tomorrow

What does the Latin phrase "Cogito ergo sum" translate to?
It is human to think
I think, therefore I am
I am therefore I think

What does the Latin phrase "Mihi cura futuri" translate to?
I am the future
I care for the future
I live for the future

What does the Latin phrase "bona fide" translate to?
Good faith
Little faith
Do good