Believe it or not, most Americans can't count change without a calculator! Are you just another statistic or are you ready to prove your math skills? Take this quiz and find out if you can count change without a calculator!

Question 1/10
The bill is $.52 cents and the amount paid with is $1.02. What is the correct change?
$.98 cents
$.50 cents
$.30 cents
Question 2/10
The bill is $15.06 and the amount paid with is $16.00. What is the correct change?
$.94 cents
$.82 cents
Question 3/10
The bill is $21.50 and the amount paid with is $30.00. What's the exact change?
Question 4/10
The bill is $5.69 and the amount paid with is $10.04. What is the correct change?
Question 5/10
Your total is $4.85. You hand the cashier a $10 bill. What should you get in return?
Question 6/10
Your total is $21.92. You hand the cashier $40.02. What should you get back?
Question 7/10
You buy a bottle of water for $2.50. You hand the cashier a $20 bill. What should you get in return?
Question 8/10
If you hand the cashier a $20 dollar bill and she hands you back $7.82. How much did lunch cost?
Question 9/10
A customer buys $38.29 worth of food and hands you a $100 bill. What should you give them back?
Question 10/10
The bill is $9.77 and the amount paid with is $50.00. What is the correct change?
Unfortunately, you weren’t able to calculate change without a calculator! Don’t fret, it’s not always easy, especially in a world where a calculator or smartphone is always right by your side. What matters most is that you gave this quiz your all and challenged yourself to do better.
C+, Short Changed
Wow, go you! You can easily calculate change without the help of a calculator or smart phone. When you go out to dinner, you have no issue figuring out bills, tips, and other totals. You’re whip smart and math savvy. Go you!
B+, Change Charmed
You’re downright amazing! While most Americans can’t calculate change without a calculator, you can easily count change and find exact numbers with ease. You’re obviously skilled at math and quick on your feet. Go ahead and brag a little, you might just make your followers jealous!
A+, Quick Change Artist

The bill is $.52 cents and the amount paid with is $1.02. What is the correct change?
$.98 cents
$.50 cents
$.30 cents

The bill is $15.06 and the amount paid with is $16.00. What is the correct change?
$.94 cents
$.82 cents

The bill is $21.50 and the amount paid with is $30.00. What's the exact change?

The bill is $5.69 and the amount paid with is $10.04. What is the correct change?

Your total is $4.85. You hand the cashier a $10 bill. What should you get in return?

Your total is $21.92. You hand the cashier $40.02. What should you get back?

You buy a bottle of water for $2.50. You hand the cashier a $20 bill. What should you get in return?

If you hand the cashier a $20 dollar bill and she hands you back $7.82. How much did lunch cost?

A customer buys $38.29 worth of food and hands you a $100 bill. What should you give them back?

The bill is $9.77 and the amount paid with is $50.00. What is the correct change?